: A Toast to New Orleans and YOU. Week of April 18-26" French Quarter Fest/ LPO's Shostakovich 9/Champagne Fiesta Round Table Luncheon/ Prix de Elegance Luncheon
Good morning my darling family and friends. A sunny Monday, April 18 awaits us. Let's welcome it with gratitude in our heart for providing us with a glorious day to enjoy Easter and Passover festivities. I had a great Easter Sunday, and I am praying you did as well. Attack Monday with enthusiasm, laughter, thousands of smiles, and cheerfulness. Let this Monday be kind to you: be happy with what you have and accept the things which you cannot change. Have a blessed New Orleans Navy Week. On April 24 I will be turning 76th and I feel blessed to have been able to reach such age. God is great.This past week was hectic! I returned to New Orleans just in time to attend the Easter Extravaganza Luncheon at Antoine's. It was delicious and everyone looked so beautiful.